Beginning Services at GJB Health Services…
To begin services at GJB Health Services, please contact the office at (920) 560-4525 and leave a message on our secure answering system. Please remember to leave your phone number along with the best time to reach you, so that a provider can contact you as soon as possible. You may also send an email to gjbhealthservices@gmail.com. In order complete registration, we will need the information listed below. Please note, if you are interested in couple’s therapy, we will also need all the same information for your partner and your partner will also need to complete all registration forms.
- Full Name
- Home, Work, and Mobile Numbers
- Email Address
- Home Address
- Birthdate
- Emergency Contact Person
- Insurance Information
We will enter your (and your partner’s) information into the Simple Practice System. After we get you (and your partner) registered, you will receive an email from Simple Practice with registration forms that will need to be completed prior to your first session. Included in this information packet are forms giving us permission to treat you, permission to bill your insurance, permission to contact your emergency contact person, permission to use telehealth (unless you will only be seen in the office), and other important information. If we have not received all completed forms (all of which you will complete online) at least 48 hours prior to your first appointment, your appointment will be cancelled and will have to be rescheduled.