Professional Training

Gottman Method Therapy


Gottman Therapy is somewhat like Star Wars; it’s an entire universe of language, terms, skills, techniques, and interventions.  If you really want to master Gottman Therapy, there are three levels of training, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.   After completing Level 3, there is a certification tract which can take up to two years to complete.  Currently, there are two Certified Gottman Therapists (CGTs) in the state of Wisconsin who are listed on the Gottman Therapist Finder site and 569 Certified Gottman Therapist world-wide.

Gottman Method Level 1 Training


Level 1 training is the first step in learning how to use Gottman Method Couples’ Therapy with your clients and patients.  This two-day workshop is a basic introduction to Gottman Method Therapy.  John Gottman’s extensive research, the unique Gottman assessment process, and the interventions and techniques used by Certified Gottman Therapists are covered in this workshop.

What Will You’ll Learn?

Increasing Friendship in Couples’ Relationships
  • How to improve communication
  • How to help couples to protect the relationship from outside stress
Improving Couples’ Abilities to Manage Conflict Effectively
  • How to assist couples to solve “solvable” problems
  • How to guide couples to overcome gridlock and effectively discuss perpetual problems
  • How to teach The Art of Compromise
  • How to repair the relationship when it becomes derailed by conflict or regrettable incidents
  • How to help partners sport one another successfully
  • How to create Shared Meaning
  • You will learn what the Masters of Relationships know about sustaining and maintaining healthy relationships

Who Should Attend?

  • Mental Health Professionals
  • Allied Professionals and Clergy
  • Students and Interns
  • Family Clinic Staff
  • Professors/Teachers of Couples’ Therapy
  • Researchers in Social Sciences
  • Employee Assistance Professionals

Training Objectives

Apply Gottman Method Couples Therapy to help Couples Strengthen:
  • The Friendship System – the foundation for intimacy, passion, and good sex
  • The Conflict System – the basis for helping couples identify, address solvable problems, understand and manage irresolvable differences
  • The Shared Meaning System – the existential foundation of the relationship that helps partners discover their shared purpose for building a life together
  • Research-based strategies and tools to help couples successfully manage conflicts
  • Skills to empower partners to dialogue about their gridlocked issues by uncovering their underlying dreams, history, and values
  • Methods to help couples process fights and heal their hurts
  • Techniques for partners to deepen their intimacy and minimize relapse
  •  New assessments and effective interventions to help understand couples struggles


Program Objectives

  •  Summarize the research that allows us to predict future relationship stability
  • Describe the seven levels of the Sound Relationship House theory
  • Conduct a couple’s therapy assessment using elements of the couples narrative, the Oral History Interview, written questionnaires, observations of conflict and individual interviews.
  • Describe two interventions to help strengthen a couple’s conflict management.
  • Describe two interventions to enhance a couple’s friendship system.
  • Describe two interventions to explore a couple’s system of shared meaning.
  • Explain why physiological self-soothing is essential for a healthy relationship.
  • Create a therapeutic contract with a couple, discuss and decide on goals and include a summary of the couple’s strengths and areas that need improvement.
  • Describe the Philosophy of Therapy including assumptions, an overview of techniques, and the goals of therapy.
  • Describe the Rapoport Intervention and when to use it.
  • Describe the process of therapy, including the structure of a session.


Can’t Make It?

We will do our best to accommodate all attendees wherever possible regarding cancellations.  If a professional cannot appear for a scheduled event, please notify the office as soon as possible.  In the event, GJB Health Services can add you to the next Level 1 training session.

Please be aware; however, that GJB Health Services will authorize ONE reschedule. Thank you and we appreciate your cooperation to best adhere to other professionals who wish to participate!


Want to Know More?

Reach out to Gloria Bannasch directly at
